
In partnership with the Commission Supporting Institution History Department of Ionian University at Corfu, the Commission Supporting Institutions ICGC Barcelona, IUAV Venice, NLS Edinburgh, ELTE Budapest, AUTH Thessaloniki and the Map & Geoinformation Curators Group - MAGIC Group | Supported by the AUTH School of Rural & Surveying Engineering - Cartoheritage Group, the General State Archives of Greece and the Hellenic Cartographic Society

In association with

Participation (list)


The Conference and the Workshop (the tutorial intensive course on Georeference for "non-experts") are addressed to scholars, researchers, map-curators, map-collectors, map-librarians, map-archivists, administrators, digital industry/market operators and students coming from different cultural and educational backgrounds (humanistic, geo-political, social, artistic, scientific and engineering) whose work is either focused on or affined to cartographic heritage, an important component of cultural heritage

173 participants (list) have registred from 22 countries, namely from

Austria Austrian Institute of Technology
Belgium University of Liege; Ghent University; Aquaterra Ltd
Croatia University of Zagreb; National and University Library
Czech Republic Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography; Academy of Sciences; Charles University; J. E. Purkyně University; Moravian Library
Denmark The Royal Library; National Survey and Cadastre
Greece Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Ionian University; GSA-Historical Archives of Corfu; GSA - Cartograhic Heritage Archives; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Harokopio University; Corfu Museum of Asian Art
Hong Kong-China Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hungary Eötvös Loránd University
Indonesia Bandung Institute of Technology

Israel National Library; Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Italy University IUAV of Venice; State Archives of Rome; University of Bologna; University of Siena; Sovrintendenza Capitolina; University of Florence
Latvia National Library
Lithuania/USA Wellesley College
Netherlands Utrecht University
Poland The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum; National Institute for Museums and Public Collection
Romania University of Bucharest
Serbia National Library
Slovenia National and University Library
Spain Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia
Switzerland ETH Zurich; Klokan Technologies GmbH
United Kingdom The Open University
United States American Geographical Society; Purdue University; Cornell University; Wellesley College

The 26 participants in the Workshop on Georeference for "non-experts" (tutorial intensive course) are coming from 12 countries

Belgium University of Liege; Aquaterra Ldt
Czech Republic Academy of Sciences; Charles University
Denmark Royal Library; National Survey and Cadastre
Hong Kong- China University of Science and Technology
Greece Ionian University; University of Athens; Harokopio University; Corfu Museum of Asian Art
Latvia National Library

Poland Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum; National Institute for Museums and Public Collections
Romania University of Bucharest
Serbia National Library
Slovenia National and University Library
Switzerland ETHZ; Klokan Tech
United States Purdue Universty; Cornell University

85 students from the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, attended the Conference

List of participants

ANCEAU Annick, University of Liege, Belgium, a.anceau<at>ulg.ac.be
ANOYATIS-PELÉ Dimitrios, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, pele<at>ionio.gr
ANTOŠ Filip, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography VÚGTK, v.v.i., Zdiby, Czech Republic, filip.antos<at>vugtk.cz
ATHANASOPOULOU Ioanna, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, giathans<at>hotmail.com
BALLETTI Caterina, University IUAV of Venice, Italy, balletti<at>iuav.it
BARKER Elton, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, elton.barker<at>open.ac.uk
BIDNEY Marcy, American Geographical Society Library, Milwaukee, USA, bidney<at>uwm.edu
BLACKLER Andrew, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, blacklerav<at>gmail.com
BÖHM Ondřej, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography VÚGTK, v.v.i., Zdiby, Czech Republic, ondrej.bohm<at>vugtk.cz
BOUTOURA Chrysoula, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, boutoura<at>auth.gr
BUONORA Paolo, State Archives of Rome, Italy, paolo.buonora<at>beniculturali.it
BUTEREZ Cezar-Iulian, University of Bucharest, Romania, cezarb<at>geo.unibuc.ro
CABOARA Marco, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong-China, lbmarco<at>ust.hk
CHODEJOVSKA Eva, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, chodejovska<at>hiu.cas.cz
CHRISTOGIANNI Eleni, GSA-Archives of Corfu, Greece, mail<at>gak.ker.sch.gr
CRUCERU Alexandru-Ionuţț, University of Bucharest, Romania, ionutcruceru88<at>gmail.com
DANIIL Elpida, General State Archives/Cartograhic Heritage Archives, Thessaloniki, Greece, daniil<at>maplibrary.gr
DE CANDT Paul, Repos | Aquaterra, Ghent, Belgium, pdc<at>aquaterra.be
DE COENE Karen, Ghent University, Belgium, Karen.DeCoene<at>UGent.be
DUMITRU Radu, University of Bucharest, Romania, radu_d_t<at>yahoo.com
DUPONT Henrik, The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark, hd<at>kb.dk
FRAGOULIDOU Vasso, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, vfragk<at>topo.auth.gr
GATTA Georgia, DICAM-University of Bologna, Italy, giorgia.gatta<at>unibo.it
GAVA Ioan - Radu, University of Bucharest, Romania, radu.blitz<at>yahoo.com
GEDE Mátyás, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, saman<at>map.elte.hu
GLISOVIC Jelena, National Library of Serbia, Beograd, Serbia, jelena.glisovic<at>nb.rs
GOTTARDI Caterina, University IUAV of Venice, Italy, cgottardi<at>iuav.it
GRAVANIS Nikolaos, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
GRUIA Andrei-Rafael, University of Bucharest, Romania, rafael.gruia<at>gmail.com
GUARDUCCI Anna, University of Siena, Italy, annaguarducci<at>gmail.com
GUERRA Francesco, University IUAV of Venice, Italy, guerra2<at>iuav.it
GUSEV Dmitri, Purdue University, Lafayette, USA, dgusev<at>purdue.edu
GUZAUSKYTE Evelina, Wellesley College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Lithuania, eguzausk<at>wellesley.edu
HYNDRÁKOVÁ Markéta, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, hyndrakm<at>natur.cuni.cz
KAPIDAKIS Sarantos, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, sarantos<at>ionio.gr
KARAPIDAKIS Nikos, Ionian University / General State Archives, Greece, karapid<at>ionio.gr
KAVVADIA Alexandra, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, lavra<at>ionio.gr
KORSGAARD Peter, National Survey and Cadastre, Kopenhagen, Denmark, ptk<at>kms.dk
KOUSOULAKOU Alexandra, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, kusulaku<at>auth.gr
KOZICA Kazimierz, The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum, Poland, k.kozica<at>zamek-krolewski.pl
KUŚMIDROWICZ-KRÓL Anna, National Institute for Museums and Public Collection, Warsaw, Poland, akusmidrowicz<at>nimoz.pl
LAPAINE Miljenko, University of Zagreb, Croatia, mlapaine<at>geof.hr
LAVRANOS Athanasios, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
LAVRANOS Georgios, , Corfu, Greece, lgeorge90<at>hotmail.com
LE PERA Susanna, Sovrintendenza Capitolina, Rome, Italy, susanna.lepera<at>comune.roma.it
LEVY-RUBIN Milka, National Library, Jerusalem, Israel, Milka.Levy-Rubin<at>nli.org.il
LIVIERATOS Evangelos, Chair, ICA Commission Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, livier<at>topo.auth.gr
LIVIERATOS Vasileios, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
MANDIKOU Nikoletta, GSA-Archives of Corfu, Greece, mail<at>gak.ker.sch.gr
MARATOS Alexandros, Adm.Rtd, past President International Hydrographic Organisation, amaratos<at>ihb.mc
MICHEV Boris, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, bm19<at>cornell.edu
MIHALAKOPOULOS Georgios, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, gmionianu<at>gmail.com
MILETIĆ DRDER Mira, National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia, mmiletic-drder<at>nsk.hr
MONTANER Carme, Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, carme.montaner<at>icgc.cat
MOUZAKITI Maria, GSA-Archives of Corfu, Greece, mail<at>gak.ker.sch.gr
NIKIFOROU, Aliki Xenia, Ionian University / General State Archives, Corfu, Greece
PACINA Jan, J. E. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, jan.pacina<at>ujep.cz
PAGALIS Georgios, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, pagalero<at>gmail.com
PANTAZI Nella, GSA-Archives of Corfu, Greece, mail<at>gak.ker.sch.gr
PAPADIMITRIOU Kimon, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, paki<at>topo.auth.gr
PAPPA Amalia, General State Archives, Athens, Greece, anagnostirio<at>gak.gr
PAZARLI Maria, General State Archives/Cartograhic Heritage Archives, Thessaloniki, Greece, pazarli<at>topo.auth.gr
PLOUTOGLOU Nopi, General State Archives/Cartograhic Heritage Archives, Thessaloniki, Greece, plouto<at>topo.auth.gr
POPA Andreea, University of Bucharest, Romania, andreeapopa_94<at>yahoo.com
PRIDAL Petr, Klokan Technologies GmbH / Moravian Library, Baar / Brno, Switzerland / Czech Republic, petr.pridal<at>klokantech.com
RIGAKOU Tenia, Archaeological Service, Corfu, Greece, trigakou<at>gmail.com
ROMBAI Leonardo, University of Florence, Italy, leonardo.rombai<at>unifi.it
ROSET Rafael, Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, rafael.roset<at>icgc.cat
RUBIN Rehav, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, rehav.rubin<at>mail.huji.ac.il
SALI-PAPASALI Anastasia, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
SANJAYA Ekmi G., Bandung Institute of Technology, Jakarta, Indonesia
SARAFIDIS Dimitris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, sarafid<at>topo.auth.gr
SIMON Rainer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria, rainer.simon<at>ait.ac.at
SOERIA ATMADJA Dicky Achmad Sadikin, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jakarta, Indonesia, mailtodicky<at>gmail.com
ŠOLAR Renata, National and University Library, Ljubljana, Slovenia, renata.solar<at>nuk.uni-lj.si
TOURTA Anastasia, European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments (EKBMM), Greece
TRIPLAT HORVAT Martina, University of Zagreb, Croatia, mthorvat<at>geof.hr
TSANG Lau Foon, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong-China, lblft<at>ust.hk
TSIAMIS Costas, University of Athens, Greece, ctsiamis<at>med.uoa.gr
TSIOUKAS Vassilis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, tsioukas<at>auth.gr
TSORLINI Angeliki, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, atsorlin<at>auth.gr
TSOULIS Dimitrios, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, tsoulis<at>auth.gr
TSOULOS Lysandros, President Hellenic Carotgraphic Society / National Technical University of Athens, Greece
VALMI Eleftheria, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, riavalmi<at>hotmail.com
VAN EGMOND Marco, Utrecht University Library, The Netherlands, m.vanegmond<at>uu.nl
VARDAKOSTA Ifigenia, Harokopio University, Athens / Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, ifigenia<at>hua.gr, ifigenia<at>ionio.gr
VAVALIOU Aikaterini, Museum of Asian Art, Corfu, Greece, kat-vav<at>hotmail.com, k.vavaliou<at>gmail.com
VAVERS Reinis, National Library, Riga, Latvia, reinis.vavers<at>lnb.lv
ZENTAI László, Secretary General ICA / Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, lzentai<at>caesar.elte.hu, sg<at>icaci.org