The first WG meeting at Thessaloniki.

1: Lefki Michaelidou (Nicosia);

2: Caterina Balletti (Venice);

3: Charles van den Heuvel (representing E. Koster);

4: Alastair Pearson (Portsmouth);

5: Anna-Maija Pietila (Helsinki);

6: Gabriele Bitelli (Bologna);

7: Jackie Benavides (Groningen);

8: Markus Jobst (Vienna);

9: Vassilis Tsioukas (Xanthi);

10: Evangelos Livieratos, Chair (Thessaloniki)



Thessaloniki, 19 May 2006: The group's first meeting was held at the Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki, Greece, in the frame of the First International Workshop on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage. Attended by the group's members C. Balletti, J. Benavides, G. Bitelli, M. Jobst, L. Michaelidou, A. Pearson, A.-M. Pietilä and V. Tsioukas. C. Van den Heuvel attended the meeting on behalf of E. Koster who was unable to be present.
group members discussed the following:

  • To design proper clarifications and definitions for the term Cartographic Heritage.

  • To prepare the contribution to ICHC 2007 (Bern) and to ICA/ICC 2007 (Moscow).

  • To propose new potential members and groups dealing with affine subjects.

  • To propose a number of specific topics to be treated as priorities (e.g. standards for digitization).

  • To read the papers presented at the Workshop, to make comments and to codify them according to the subject and content.

  • To enforce the contacts with the "worlds" of historians of cartography, map curators, map collectors and computing in the humanities.

  • To think about the proper use of the Web journal "e-Perimetron" as a powerful tool for our work

  • To publicise the WG's concepts and overall philosophy (contacts with other

  • To open a list for corresponding members (or observers).

  • To  think about the next international workshop (topic, venue, date, participation).

  • To check the possibilities for the next meeting (Helsinki?)

  • To suggest any other topic.